Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Why do I give fear so much attention?

I took some time this morning and focused on a devotional about overcoming fear. Fears may never happen but often I give them so much attention and turn them into something bigger. What I realize though is that I am not alone. Whether my fear of rejection, finances, or not fulfilling my dreams I realize that we all have fears and I am not the only one to worry.

I was reading about how God walks us through the valleys of life, and how so often we think God is going to deliver us through every valley we walk through. However, God does not promise this, instead what He does promise is to lead us and never leave us. Through fear, doubts, stress, and anger God promises to never leave us nor forsake us.

What hit me in reading my devotional this morning was a statement that “our fear many times is a shadow of Satan.” I felt like a rock hit the bottom of my stomach. I never want to be a reflection on the evil one.

But—I kept reading…and there it was simply put, “a shadow assumes a light.” There it was- the hope as Christians we all need to remember and remind ourselves of.

It is here that we can learn what overcoming fear is all about. With the glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel we have hope, we learn trust and faith when we rely on God and follow His plans for our lives.

I know I can be stubborn, at times selfish, and even fear filled, but I am trying to change that and rely on God. I’m trying to rely on His plans for my life and learn what it means to be a humble, caring, and loving Christian, never giving up on God, and never suffering or facing things alone.

Trust in the Lord will help us overcome fear! Psalm 23:4, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

This is my journey, this is my story, this is my life…


Monday, June 18, 2012

“God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:13 NLT

when I reflect on the past few weeks, or since i have wrote, i have been learning the meaning of being still and listening. although-my boyfriend may beg to differ on the “listening part."  i feel like so much of my life i have questioned over and over again what I am suppose to do with my life and what my career is supposed to be.  i was challenged with some words yesterday that hit home.  "your career is what you do for God’s kingdom while you are here on earth, as well as following Him.  it’s so easy to get my head wrapped around the ideas of what the world states you need to be."

being successful is being happy-it’s feeling the love of Jesus and showing it every day in my life.  it’s striving to become more like my Father and learning to be still in life and wait on Him- that is going to make me successful.  i know i tend to follow my own ways, which is normal; i'm just learning to rely more on Him, rather than other distractions in my life.  i love the verse from Philippians that i shared earlier-how reassuring it is to know that God is continually working on me in every aspect of my life.  Jesus has taught me happiness and love that i never knew existed till i fell apart and starting falling on Him.  i’ll never forget the moments where i took my anger out on God and turned from Him-i work every day to forget the things in my past that i fell into because God has given me forgiveness.  we are to ask for forgiveness, forgive ourselves, and forget about our sinful ways. This I am still learning.

God is working in me.  i look forward to the day i get to talk to Him and have all my questions answered-maybe by then i’ll be a good listener!  i am truly thankful for the people in my life that have been huge blessings in shaping who i am today.  learning to be still has taught me multiple life lessons already, and it took some getting used to but when i listen that is when the Lord speaks!  i thank God everyday for the joys and sorrows in my life because it’s what makes me, “me!”

This is my journey, this is my story, this is my life….

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

spirit come and change the atmosphere, convict all open hearts to hear....
o God of every aching heart, we long for you in light and dark. (kj)

when life pushes me to my last limits and i feel like i am on my last rope of patience i look to you Lord.  when i find myself looking into my frustrations i have to turn them into opportunities.  this is when, you Lord, are working the hardest in my life.  when i see road blocks as disappointments you are teaching me to draw closer to you.

some days i dont trust you enough to let go and let you lead my days.  i do not cast my worries or troubles on you because i think i can figure this life out on my own.  i need to turn my days into Your days.

1 Peter 5:6
humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time

1 Thessalonians 5:18
give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus

lots of thoughts, pressing songs playing over and over in my head...not sure the purpose but God is working.  nothing is too difficult for God to accomplish, i can count on Him in every situation and that's just what i'll do.  :)

this is my journey, this my story, this is my life...kb

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ruth 3:11

"And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my
town know that you are a virtuous woman."

What are you doing everyday to learn more about yourself and God’s calling for your life?
This is a question that was thrown at me this morning…I was a bit taken back just because it’s
not just an everyday question-but, maybe it should be?

One thing I have learned about myself is that I need to be held accountable. I know some day’s
I feel like writing this blog is a chore but I do it because I know I need to for myself. When I first
started this blog I didn’t want anyone to know about it, I just wanted it to be something just for
myself. But I realized quickly that if I was going to have something, “online,” I can’t care about
who reads it or what they think. I’m learning slowly but being vulnerable and open does not
always come so easy to me.

So what am I doing everyday to get to know myself better and learn about God’s calling for my
life?.... being patient, quiet, and listening. I have put my heart in a place in hopes that God will
see that I want to follow His leading and go where He wants me to go. I have wasted too much
of my life following my own leadings so I am learning to rely on who is really important.

I feel like in all my readings lately God keeps nudging on me to stop fearing. I have had a lot
on my mind lately with where God is calling me and I’m starting to think maybe when I stop
fearing God will start moving mountains, I just have to get there yet-like I said I’m working on
my patience!

Sometimes I think I want to live in Sioux Falls, sometimes I think I like it right where I am, other
times I wonder if I should be somewhere completely new-but, for now I’m learning to be happy
where I am right now, and thankful for ALL God has blessed me with.

This is my journey, this is my story, this my life…

Monday, April 16, 2012

containing a mistake, weakness, or fault

we all are aren’t we?

i had a good conversation this past week with my boyfriend about having a hard time forgiving others but also ourselves. my boyfriend is a youth intern at a church and this was his topic of discussion for the week. He was having trouble with his topic and came to me for help. Before we knew it we found ourselves engulfed in a deep discussion.

It brought out the best of us…or the worst, depending upon how you want to look at it. ( the purpose behind our discussion was to see the real "us," flaws and all. i ended up sharing many stories about my past, where i learned to forgive myself but also stories where i still need to learn to forgive. the more i talk about my past the more i strive to never go back to the person i once was.

in 2 Corinthians 12:9a it says, "my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

His grace is for me. it’s clearly stated. in our weakness’ He has strength.

flaws shaped me into who i am today. some of my flaws have caused me to put up barriers while others have helped me grow, but i am thankful for them all.

i still have plenty of days where I make mistakes and falter, but i look at it all differently now. i want God to be proud of me, as well as my family and those who surround me. i want to be a person of integrity and humbleness. i know I have been told I have an overly honest personality
but like i said to one of my sisters the other day, " i would much rather be overly honest, than a person who is getting caught up in their own lies." i never want to go back to that person I once was-and am thankful for the position God has enabled me to be in. a few weeks ago when i was at a concert i had a young girl confront me on a situation going on at her school, i knew God had brought this girl to me for a reason. i listened to what the young girl had to say and saw a child of God who needed some advice and guidance. being in a much similar situation as hers I was able to take what I learned and help guide her down God’s path. I find myself blessed with the opportunity to speak to young girls one on one at concerts and tell them about my past in hopes that they will learn from my flaws. I was blessed and am so thankful for these encounters in my life.

Ephesians 2:10
"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

i am learning day by day to solely and completely depend on God. it’s good to know about our flaws because it helps us lean on God and drives us to become a better person.

challenge-tell the truth in all situations…use your faults as tools to help others

this is my journey, this is my story, this is my life….kb

Monday, April 2, 2012

sometimes what God calls us to do can be confusing. we toss around ideas wondering if it's what we are called to do, at least i know i have...

i talked to a guy my age today who is a full time college student who is feeling called to full time prison ministries. awesome?...i'd say so. seeing passion and drive in someone's eyes tell you that God is working in their heart. over the past year i have been blessed to have little encounters with people who have a desire to do more in their life. this young man was one of those people-one person who didn't know how he was going to do it but heard God's voice and now is choosing to follow it.

i was challenged with a devotional from the, "daily bread" yesterday, that talked about how it's human to resist change. we find ourselves digging for every reason why we are going to fail and that's what usually stops us from doing the will of our Father. the devotional hit it dead on when it stated, "it's not change in general that we hate; it's change that involves loss-sometimes physical; other times emotional or psychological." change is what's going to have to take place in order for us to grow and be in a better place, but we have to make sure to keep God the center of it.

at a young age some people just "know" what they are called to do, for some of us it takes time...i just think it's important to know where your heart is and God will lead us in His time.

take every moment you can and give it to the Lord...

this is my journey, this is my story, this is my life...kb

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

do you ever wander through life wondering if you're ever going to figure out what it is God wants you to do with your life? i wonder day and night if what i'm suppose to be doing is right in front of my nose but yet so blind to see it.

life is the period between birth and death, or so one definition states it online. i am confused, but yet know this period in my life i am going a new, fresh direction. i am 21, not your normal get crazy, drink, and party 21 year old. i love nights spent with family, i love countless hours spent on my cell phone at night getting to know people, and i love where i stand with the Lord. i believe this is the life God desires for me.

i look at life with a new perspective after July. i was not fully reaching the potential God set out for me, and although it took lots of pain and tears to get here-i'm happy. the kind of happy where i'm not afraid to be blunt, truthful,or my honest self.

so-this is what im thinking right now in this moment...i'm living for Jesus, and i feel like He is proud of me for that. i think i have been searching so hard for what Jesus wants me to do that maybe He wants me to stop and focus on what I have with Him right now. I know my relationship with Him has lacked, a lot, but i know where i stand now and where i don't want to be again. i have learned to include God in my relationships, and everyday activities because He is all that truly matters as i live my life.

i need strength and patience. i have learned to go the the Lord first with any problem. i love my life, and all the people in it and strive everyday to be the woman He made me to be

psalm 30:1
i will exalt you, Lord, for you rescued me. you refused to let my enemies triumph over me.

this is my journey, this is my story, this is my life...