Sunday, January 22, 2012

day 5

i saw destruction- i saw how powerful our God is- and i saw what an earthquake can do to a country.

the earth may shake but our God stands strong.

my heart goes out to the people of haiti and all they must have been through 2 years ago. lost lives, homes destroyed, and broken hope. today we were taken to see the capital building and some churches that have not been touched since the earthquake.

the earthquake was such a huge loss for the country of haiti that people now believe the capital building is the "devil's house" and no one wants to touch it. the capital remains untouched 2 years later... it's hard to tell by looking at these pictures but the earthquake that lasted all of 10 seconds collapsed the entire middle floor of the capital, destroyed this church, and many lost the homes they once had and now live in tents.

this was the day it hit me...i am thankful for where i live and all i have.

we ended our day getting ready for what we knew God was going to make a great day 2 of the festival. everything ran a lot smoother and we knew God was working in the hearts of the haitians when we saw an increase of people who came out that night to worship, pray, and hang out with us. we saw a rise in people that wanted to give their lives to Christ and it was so exciting to be by their sides praying them on!

i was not only at the festival to help plant a seed, God wanted me to be fed too. it's always great to have another band along that i can worship with. it was a blessing to have Rachelle Hopes band along side of us with the same mission in mind! alan and josh both came out and gave great testimonies/messages and it was great to see the connection they had with the crowd. but the main attraction every night was the bmx rider that came along with us...john. not only did kids love him but also adults-they couldnt get enough of his jumps and flips. john lives his life for the lord and he had quite the story to tell.

Day 6

we were up early to be prepared to go to pastor luc's church. i have never been to a church outside of the country so i didn't know what to expect. the church had cement walls and fold up chairs but that's not what the church is all about-its about worship and fellowship and it was evident in these people. churches in haiti are a lot simpler than in america, sometimes i think we get lost in all our denominations that we forget what church is all about. haiti churches don't worry about what time it is, or how long the message go-people are so excited to be at a place where God's love can be spoken about. we were able to be apart of the service and sing two worship songs along with the song we learned in creole. God is SO good!

we went to the final day of the festival early to get some sound checks in and be prepared for what God was going to do that night. we estimated the final night to have 6-7 thousand people with us! we were overwhelmed with all the excitement the people had and had the most amazing time of worship with them. by the third night some of the haitians had caught on to our songs and were singing and dancing along with us. it was so neat-words can't describe the worship that was going on that night! the final night was crazy-people were trying to get as close to the ramp and stage as possible and everyone wanted a book of hope. God kept us safe and we were so thankful for the lives God brought out to the 3 day festival we were apart of!

with one day left before heading back to the states we were excited for what God was going to do on our final day...

this is my journey, this is my story, this is my life...


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