Sunday, January 1, 2012

it's here. the new year!

2012-the year i am hoping to conquer some resolutions. i haven't wrote in a few days-i wanted to get my thoughts together before i leave, but i do want to talk about what went on today.

back in november pastor told us about a box he was going to have in the sanctuary-this box was going to be a place to write down our thoughts about what he would like us to have him preach on. of course i was going to take him up on this offer being in the confused state of mind i was.

so i wrote-i wanted to know how i was suppose to separate God's calling for my life from my own thoughts. how was i supposed to know if God was calling me to something or if it was just me "thinking" these things.

so there were my thoughts-written down and now in the box. i was going to hopefully get some answers to my questions and that excited me. i have been watching week by week to see what the next sermon topic would be on. and it happened. today.

"a call for you on line one" 1 samuel 3:1-11

main topics under this caption:
*what is a call from God?
*how do i know if it's a call from God?
*how do these calls come to us?
*to whom do these calls come?
*how do i respond to God's call in my life?

i knew this message was going to hit home for me. my questions and then some were answered. i was given a new insight and a new thinking on this whole, "calling" thing and it was overwhelming. to top it all there i was sitting at the end of the service singing one of the most beautiful worship songs feeling tears fill my eyes. God was working not only in me but the people around me and i felt it. i saw arms raised and their as a church we sang...
holy, holy Lord God almighty
worthy is the lamb who was slain
highest praises honor and glory
be unto your name, be unto your name

it was amazing. perfect timing. a God thing. 1 day away from leaving for haiti and God knew the perfect time to have our pastor preach on our callings in life. i believe. i believe in an amazing God who is working and like pastor said this morning our God works in the grace department. i am a sinner-but God wants to work in my life. i was given a purpose on this earth, a mission and calling and it's my time to fulfill it.

thank u God for your perfect timing...i heard you loud and clear this morning and i am ready for port au prince and all you will show me. road blocks may come but my God is strong- i believe He is working in my heart and will be in the hearts of the haitians to overcome anything. i look forward to writing about my journey when i come home. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

this is my journey, this is my story, this is my life. kb

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